Here's who I am!

born in 1997, South Korea

Currently studying at Berklee College of Music


Major in Electronic Production & Design

I am a :
  • Video game developer
  • Full-stack web developer
  • Musician
  • Generative music/art enthusiast
  • Garage inventor

I have working knowledge of followings :

  • Go
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • C++
  • Unreal Engine
  • C#
  • Unity
  • Processing
  • Max/msp
  • Arduino
  • Csound

When I first started college, my goal was to be a professional musician. However, that was until I met this mentor, Dr. Richard Boulanger. He taught me Csound and Circuit bending. And those classes taught me signal processing in depth and made me want to further study.

As I was implementing my ideas, I needed to study more advanced techniques. I studied basic physics engine and math behind it through the book ‘The Nature of Code’ and studied generative media art.

My overall programming experience has been learning new techniques over and over. First, it was Csound and Arduino and then Processing. And then I wanted to make a music related service online, I started web dev and became a full stack web developer.

My most recent work was this South Korean government funded project “Contents Impact 2021”. Even though it was a short-term project from Jun to November, I led a team and we managed to develop working prototype of VR DJing game with C++ and Unreal Engine with no prior knowledge of Unreal Engine. It involved numbers of udemy courses, relentless googling, stack overflow copy & paste, digging Unreal Engine’s source code, spending 12 hours a day and adapting those new knowledges right into the project. Which tells that my specialty is adaptation.

As I have various development experience, I am open to a challenge of learning new techniques or developing in a new environment. Give me a development challenge, I will eventually do it.